Thursday 28 June 2018

"Ljubljana – Turjak – Kočevje – Novo mesto – Ljubljana" in one go

Photo: Turjak Castle
It was a beautiful Saturday morning and one of my rare completely free days. So, the only logical choice was to store up on the energy with a rich breakfast, put on my gear and get the bike. It was around 10:30 a.m. when I left Ljubljana. I didn’t want to take any of my classic routes to either Primorska (Slovenia’s coastal region) or Gorenjska (probably the most popular, north-western region of Slovenia), so I’ve decided to ride to the south and south-eastern part of Slovenia – to Dolenjska and Bela Krajina regions. The first stop on my route was the Turjak Castle ...

Turjak Castle and Bajdinec Waterfalls

Photo: Ruins along the Turjak Castle
The small town of Turjak is located just about 30 minutes drive from the Ljubljana city centre. Situated among the forests to the south of Ljubljana, the town and its castle provide magnificent vistas. I was lucky to visit the area on a sunny day, since from atop the hill my view across the forests and surrounding hills was truly astonishing. Unfortunately, it seems that the castle is currently not open to the public, except for special events, yet I’ve enjoyed its architecture, stemming from the 13th century. As I was not ready to leave yet, I googled a couple of sights close to the castle and I found an article mentioning the Bajdinec Waterfalls just five minutes ride from the castle, so I decided to check them out. I rode from the castle back in the direction of the town, turned left on my way and drove to a small cemetery in the middle of a forest where I parked my bike and looked for the waterfalls. As there was no clearly marked path, I asked one of the locals who pointed me to a footpath in the woods and said that the walk to one of the waterfalls was about 15 minutes long. Even though I was in full gear, I decided to visit what were supposed to be beautiful waterfalls. After a "15-minute-walk", I was disappointed. Why? Well, firstly, I was only half way to the waterfalls and the path was quite slippery, especially when tackling it in my riding boots. After 25 minutes, I finally reached a waterfall, one of four – the biggest is suppose to reach the height of even 8 metres – but I was kind of disappointed. There was no real rainfall over the past few days, even weeks, so the waterfall was really small. I relaxed there for ten minutes, before climbing back up the hill, which was pretty uncomfortable – imagine walking 30 minutes uphill in full gear in heavy humidity – never a good idea.

Photo: Relaxing by the Bajdinec Waterfalls


Photo: Basilica in Kočevje
Kočevje is one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia and as far as I am concerned one of the most beautiful. The road from Ljubljana to Kočevje is one of my favourites in Slovenia, since riding the curvy road among the trees lasts for almost thirty minutes, before reaching the town of Ribnica, from where it only takes ten minutes to Kočevje. Granted, the town is quite small, yet very inviting with a river flowing through and the surrounding (rain) forest and hills. The town was established along the Rinža River at the foot of the karst plateau Kočevski Rog. Its most prolific feature is probably the 25-metre-high basilica, which was built in the middle of the 14th century. I walked around the town a bit, enjoyed the view of the Rinža River, and soaked up the pleasant atmosphere before riding for just five minutes to Kočevje Lake, an artificial ex-mine lake. There, I had a cup of coffee and just chilled for about a half an hour, enjoying the sight of people fishing and taking boat rides on the lake. The weather was still sunny, yet I could see the clouds crawling from the direction I was headed to. It was time to head towards Novo mesto ...

Photo: Kočevje Lake
Srebrniče (Novo mesto)

Photo: Srebrniče
My plan was to visit the city of Novo mesto next, yet, already when riding in its direction I saw the heavy dark clouds closing in on me and although the ride took only about thirty minutes I could already feel the first drops of rain. So, instead of visiting Novo mesto, I parked my bike in Srebrniče, a village just outside Novo mesto, and decided to take a stroll. Srebrniče has a beautiful cemetery, situated within a forest, which makes it a nice spot to unwind, get in touch with your body and soul and just calm down. And this was exactly what I did, as I walked for fifteen minutes among the small tombstones and on forest pathways, even though the raindrops started to come down more heavily, but I was not bothered. Sounds weird, but this is actually one of my favourite spots in this region, maybe even in Slovenia. I wanted to have more time to soak up the fresh air, but it started pouring down like crazy so I jumped on my bike and went for a drink in the near-by bar and waited until the rain stopped ... 

Photo: Taking in some fresh air in Srebrniče


Photo: Bogenšperk Castle

I waited for about an hour for the rain to stop. As I was already kind of late, I decided to skip Novo mesto – a city which deserves more than just a half an hour of sightseeing. I headed directly towards my last stop – the Bogenšperk Castle. The ride took about forty minutes, well, in complete honesty, even longer, since I got lost, as the road directions are almost non-existent when you reach the town of Šmartno pri Litiji. After asking a few locals for the right way – even they were not sure which road to take – I finally managed to reach the beautiful castle in the forest. 
Luckily, the blue skies and the sun made their way through the clouds and I was able to admire the Bogenšperk Castle – former home of Janez Vajkard Valvasor, a natural historian from the 17th century. I expected the castle to be renovated – well, it is, but unfortunately I came on one of those days when they had a private event. So, I was only able to admire the exterior of the magnificent castle which reached its golden age in the 17th century, and the beautiful park and pathways along the castle. It was already about 6:00 p.m., so I jumped on my bike and headed back to Ljubljana, passing the town of Litija, riding along the Sava River.

Photo: Relaxing along the Bogenšperk Castle
Even though the weather was not perfect, I had a great time, discovering this part of Slovenia and all its hidden places. I loved the roads between Turjak and Kočevje, the one from Kočevje to Novo mesto and especially the one from Trebnje (close to Novo mesto) to Bogenšperk. Due to the rain, the trip lasted almost the entire day but it was well worth it. I’m sure I’ll visit Kočevje again and the city of Novo mesto is still on my list.

Photo: Map of the Route

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