Monday 18 June 2018

First Ride of 2018 – Breathtaking Rakov Škocjan – Hidden Beauty

Photo: Having Fun in Rakov Škocjan

It was such a long time since I last jumped on my Yamaha and rode for a day. Granted, it is already mid-June, and the weather in April was really warm and bike-friendly, but I just couldn't find the time to ride and enjoy some peace and quiet on the winding roads of Slovenia. But the day finally arrived – I started my short bike trip in Ljubljana and headed to the sources of the Ljubljanica River, located in the vicinity of Vrhnika, a town about fifteen kilometres from Slovenia's capital.

1. Bistra – Technical Museum of Slovenia 

Photo: Bistra
Photo: Bistra

I've started my trip in Ljubljana around 11:00 a.m. with the warm June sun accompanying me on my way to Vrhnika. Of course, I took the scenic route across the Ljubljana Marshes and passed Brezovica before reaching Vrhnika, a town known for being the birthplace of one of Slovenia's most renowned authors, Ivan Cankar, and a town where the Technical Museum of Slovenia – my first stop – is located. This was my first time visiting Bistra and I must admit the place truly won me over immediately. I parked my Yamaha on the parking lot along the museum complex and entered the park.

Freshly cut grass, majestic old trees, trimmed bushes, and of course the magnificent old manor and the surrounding buildings were reason enough for me to sit down and enjoy the site for almost an hour. Even though the property is not large, the setting is so inviting that you will not want to leave. There is even a pond where you can see and hear frogs, nutrias swimming, and birds chirping. As it was Monday, I didn't visit the museum, since museums and galleries are usually closed on Mondays in Slovenia, but I had a really great time just walking around the park and the pond, observing the old watermill and all the small, quaint little bridges. Then it was time to jump back on my bike and I was already off to my next spot – the sources of the Ljubljanica River …

Photo: Bistra

2. The Sources of the Ljubljanica River

Photo: Having a Friendly Chat 
The Ljubljanica River, which flows through Slovenia's capital, is truly unique. The river boasts seven sources from which it gathers water before it graces the centre of Ljubljana. The river's sources are located around the town of Vrhnika, just twenty minutes drive from Ljubljana to the southwest.  As I am a big nature lover, I always try to find some hidden, yet-to-be discovered nature gems that take my breath away. I didn't want to visit all seven sources of Ljubljanica one after the other, since I wanted to leave a couple for the next time I visit this area, so I decided on visiting just two, both located in the Močilnik Valley. Both sources are connected to the legend of Argonauts, for whom it is believed they defeated a terrible dragon (Ljubljana's symbol) on their way to the Adriatic Sea before continuing their path to Greece. I visited Retovje and Močilnik, but unfortunately there was not much rain in the past few weeks so the sources were probably not as beautiful as they could have been, but I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the beautiful forests along the water. It was time to leave for Rakov Škocjan …

3. Rakov Škocjan

Photo: Rakov Škocjan
Photo: Admiring Rakov Škocjan
The clouds started taking over the sky, yet I was optimistic that the potential rain would quickly stop and allow me to enjoy the beauty of Rakov Škocjan Landscape Park. It took me about forty minutes to reach the wild karst region of Rakov Škocjan, but luckily the clouds made way for the sun again. If you choose to visit this area with your motorcycle, be aware that the last part of the route is a gravel road, but riding at a slower pace and in a lower gear will bring you to your finish point with no problem whatsoever. 

Photo: Rakov Škocjan in all its Beauty

If you hadn't yet visited Rakov Škocjan, I suggest you visit this beautiful region marked by the meandering Rak River that carved its way through the valley and shaped some of the most phenomenal and astounding karst features. The main sightseeing points are surely two natural stone bridges, but be careful on your way down, since the paths can get quite slippery due to the river flowing through the valley. The magnificent caves Zelške jame offer a spectacular view of the glorious walls and offer shelter from the blistering heat in the summer months. The nearby marshy meadows are also a sight for sore eyes. If you come with your bike, be sure to have some spare clothes to put on so that you don't end up exploring such beautiful nature in your full biker attire, which is what I did. After taking in all the beautiful sights of Rakov Škocjan, I treated myself to some refreshments in the nearby hotel. Unfortunately, it started to rain a bit and I was off to my final stop for the day – Rakitna.

4. Rakitna

Photo: Relaxing along Rakitna Lake
On my way to Rakitna, I passed the town of Cerknica with the beautiful intermittent lake. It took me just over a half an hour to reach Rakitna, a karst plateau located thirty minutes from Ljubljana. The road to Rakitna is perfect for motorcycle riding as there are numerous turns and undulations, something all bikers crave. I couldn't resist them so I went up and down on the turns a couple of times before descending to the resort of Rakitna, along a beautiful lake. Well, it rained and it was not as beautiful because of the muddy water, but the air was so fresh (the place is known for its climate which is beneficial for respiratory problems - there is even a health resort nearby) that I needed to get off of my bike, change my wet clothes into dry ones and just relax around the lake for a bit. This resort, located in the vicinity of Ljubljana offers numerous routes for hiking and mountain biking, while the lake is suitable for swimming and supping in the summer and ice skating in the winter. It is also a popular place to enjoy trout, carp, and perch fishing. It was a perfect spot to cool off before heading back to Ljubljana …

Photo: Getting ready to leave for Ljubljana
The route I took on the trip is perfect if you have an afternoon off and you want to enjoy three or four hours on your bike while admiring the beautiful region of central Slovenia. Especially in the hot summer months, the caves and gorges of Rakov Škocjan and the fresh air of Rakitna provide a soothing feeling, bring calm to your everyday nerve-wrecking rhythm and allow you to just let go and relax.

Photo: Map of the Route

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