Thursday 5 July 2018

Discovering the Ljubljana Outskirts – Kamniška Bistrica’s Natural Beauty

Photo: Surfing on Kamniška Bistrica Waterfall
I finally had an afternoon off and what better way to spend it than on my bike. At 1:00 p.m., I had a quick lunch, put on my gear, jumped on my bike in order to avoid the rush hour that usually starts at 2:30 p.m. and I was well on my way. First stop – Castle Jablje just twenty minutes away from Ljubljana.

Castle Jablje

Photo: Castle Jablje
Castle Jablje is located in the municipality of Mengeš, just a short trip from Slovenia’s capital. Under the safe haven of tall trees, it paints a romantic picture and makes it also a perfect location for prestigious and protocol state events. The castle was built in the middle of the 13th century, which is clear from its medieval foundations, boasting a renaissance flair still clearly visible after the castle underwent renovations. Today, the castle hosts prestigious events, as well as seminars and is a popular venue for celebrations and weddings. 

I was lucky to have been able to see the castle in all its beauty in sunny weather. I parked my bike under the castle and walked for just two minutes on the steps, leading up. I didn’t go inside, but rather walked around and admired the beautiful trees in the nearby park alongside the castle. After fifteen minutes, I headed towards Strmol, another magnificent castle.

Castle Strmol

Photo: Cooling off by Castle Strmol
Photo: Parking by Castle Strmol
Castle Strmol is located in the municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem, quite close to another prominent location where Slovenia usually hosts protocol events for statesmen and economists – Brdo pri Kranju. I have never visited this castle before, actually I have never even heard of it. I was surprised, as the mansion is truly magnificent and the surrounding paths and parks neatly taken care of. A perfect spot to relax, unwind, have a nice stroll among the trees and to treat myself to a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the nature; maybe it was also the perfect sunny weather that made this visit even more enjoyable and pleasant. As you can see from the photos, this place is truly beautiful. I enjoyed the company of the ducks and the swans playing in the pond along the castle, walking towards the castle on the green, freshly cut grass underneath it. It was time to head to the town of Kamnik ...

Photo: Pond by Castle Strmol
Old Castle Kamnik

Photo: View from the Old Castle Kamnik
This picturesque quaint and beautiful town is located underneath the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and along the beautiful Kamniška Bistrica River. If you have enough time and are a history buff or better said a fan of old medieval towns, Kamnik is the perfect choice for a one-day trip. The magnificent old town centre, small bars, an old medieval tower, and the castle on top of the mountain overlooking the town from afar all paint the picture of an inviting town, located just a half an hour from Ljubljana. 

Entering Kamnik, I rode towards the town’s centre and then headed right, passed the primary school and rode uphill on a long and curvy road toward the top of the hill with the ruins of the old castle. It took me about fifteen minutes to reach the top. I parked my bike near the pub and walked first to the ruins of the old castle, where I was treated to spectacular views across the town of Domžale and the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana, all the way to the Julian Alps. On the other side, I indulged in observing the proximity of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Whenever I find myself on a similar location, I realise how mountain- and forest-rich Slovenia actually is. I grabbed a refreshing drink and sat down for an hour. I got a bit lazy sitting in the warm sun, but finally persuaded myself that it was time to head on – towards Kamniška Bistrica.

Kamniška Bistrica

Photo: Bridge over Kamniška Bistrica River
Photo: Beautiful Kamniška Bistrica River
Kamniška Bistrica is a small village, about twenty minutes ride from the town of Kamnik. You pass the town and go through the centre and then ride along the beautiful Kamniška Bistrica River towards the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and pass the popular cable car station from where you can reach the top of the Velika Planina plateau. From there, you can admire the beautiful mountain peaks of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the mountain-life and the greenest grass in the world. Well, as I said, I passed the station and reached the beautiful Kamniška Bistrica Valley. 

Photo: Resting on a wooden bridge
I have never visited this valley and I was gasping for air immediately after I parked my bike. The nature is just astounding, breathtaking, so vivid, yet so rugged and untouched that you can quickly forget that you are just forty minutes away from the hustle and bustle of Slovenia’s capital. I went down to the source of the river and admired two beautiful gorges carved by the river and one of the most magnificent waterfalls I have ever seen. It was like a scene out of a fairy tale and one of those moments for which I wanted to last for a lifetime. The water always calms me down ... Well, I was feeling a bit adventurous as you can see from the photos and wanted to see how far I could go on the wet stones across the river ... I sat down by the river and just listened to the sound of water hitting against the stones. The clouds started to creep into the valley and I was feeling a bit peckish so I went to the cabin to eat a typical Slovenian dish. Of course, it started pouring down like crazy just when I was about to start eating. But I was not bothered – so I stayed in the cabin for about an hour and went down to the beautiful river once again to see how it changed due to the rainfall – the misty fog covered the river and painted a completely different picture than before. It was almost 7:00 p.m. and time for me to head back to Ljubljana. A perfect end to a perfect bike trip! 

Photo: Admiring the Kamnik-Savinja Alps

Photo: Map of the Route