Sunday 27 May 2018

Last Ride of 2017 – Panoramic Road from Ljubljana to Bled

Photo: Osojnica Hill above Lake Bled, Slovenia
Jumping on my bike for what ended up being the last ride of 2017 was a spontaneous decision, as I was struck by warm autumn sunrays when I woke up. I did not want to see my day go to waste by sitting in the office the entire day, so I decided to put on my gear and enjoy my day to the fullest. I waited until the temperature reached 13, 14 degrees and hopped on my Yamaha FZ8 and started my tour of northwest Slovenia – the Gorenjska region – from the capital – Ljubljana

When you hear tourists and Slovenians as well for that matter speak about Slovenia's tourist attractions, especially about Gorenjska, they immediately mention Lake Bled – a small town by a lake that boasts an island with a church in the middle of the lake, and a castle on the hill overlooking the town and the lake. Yes, it is almost like a scene out of a fairy tale, offering magical vistas of the surrounding Alps and the majestic forests, typical of this part of Slovenia. Yet, the region offers much more than just Bled – a town overcrowded with tourists. Continue reading to discover some hidden gems of Gorenjska … why hidden, you ask? Well, I prefer visiting and discovering some more obscure and yet-to-be discovered spots that are not yet bustling with tourists, since I enjoy my peace and quiet when riding the bike. 

The fastest way to get to Bled is by taking the highway route. It only takes about 45 minutes to reach Bled from the capital, Ljubljana. Well, as I see no point in riding my bike on a highway – unless I am in a real hurry – I usually take local, scenic routes to enjoy the curves and undulations and the majestic scenery along the way. The road towards Gorenjska is really nice; you cannot imagine how astonishingly beautiful the views of the Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps, rivers and streams, as well as forests and the entire landscape you will come across on your way, are.

1. Start in Ljubljana

I hopped on my bike at around 10:30 a.m. The sun was still battling its way through the thick clouds; that did not stop me from enjoying what ended up being a perfect sunny autumn day. It took me around twenty minutes to reach my first destination, Lake Trboje. A beautiful lake-site, most known by the locals and yet-to-be discovered by the tourists.

2. Lake Trboje

Located in the beautiful nature with a perfect view of the surrounding Kamnik-Savinja Alps, the Trboje Lake offers a perfect pit stop on the way to Gorenjska, as it takes only 25 minutes to reach it from Ljubljana. It is fairly close to the main Slovenian airport – Brnik and to the beautiful medieval town of Kamnik. Lake Trboje and its surroundings present an ideal spot to rest, enjoy a cup of coffee or any of the delicious cakes or home-made juices and lemonades they have on offer (especially the delicious home-made cranberry juice). If it is sunny, as it was when I went on my trip, I suggest simply taking your juice and cake and walk down to the lake and put your feet up for a half an hour, enjoy the peace and quiet, the breeze, and the rays of sunshine bouncing off the lake. After a cup of coffee and some juice, it was time to jump on the bike and head towards Kranj … 

Photo: Lake Trboje, Slovenia
3. Šmarjetna gora 

Photo: Šmarjetna gora
Šmarjetna gora (in English St. Margaret's Hill) is a hill overlooking the fourth largest Slovenian city – Kranj, which has a population of just over 40,000. This old, peaceful city is known as a city of culture, rich historical heritage, boasting numerous galleries and museums, as well as underground tunnels that spread underneath the city. The city also boasts a rich culinary offer and persuades even the most demanding tourists with its majestic vistas. Even though I really like the old part of the city, I did not visit it this time with my bike, but rather rode uphill to Šmarjetna gora, overlooking the city, just 10 minutes from the city centre. If you ride your bike to the top of the hill, be mindful of numerous cyclists and pedestrians, especially in the summer months. Riding to the top really paid off, since I was treated to some of the most astounding views of the surrounding Kamnik-Savinja Alps to the north of the city and of the Julian Alps to the north-west which were already covered with patches of snow and with the luscious green, yellow, and red colours of the trees. Having taken in a few fresh breaths of air and after admiring the views to all sides, it was time to get a move on … off to Šobec …

Photo: Šmarjetna gora with a vista over Krvavec and Kamnik-Savinja Alps
4. Šobec 

Photo: Šobec campsite
I left Kranj and continued on the way towards the towns of Radovljica and Bled. It took me about a half an hour to reach Šobec, a camping site located just a few kilometres from the world famous Lake Bled. I took a left turn from the main Ljubljana–Bled road and after five minutes reached the entrance to the camping site. Since it was not summer, when this area is usually packed with tourists from Slovenia and abroad, it was all rather quiet – very much to my liking. I was able to take a nice relaxing stroll along the artificial lake, where in the summer one can easily cool off and get some tan. The camping site is really well designed, offering lots of pathways and with lots of trees where you can find shade in the hot summer months. The place is perfect for walking, running, rollerblading or biking. 45 minutes of walking around and resting along the lake pumped me up and I was ready to leave for Bled. I hopped on my bike and went on my way to the Pr' Hostar resort.

Photo: Šobec campsite
5. Pr' Hostar 

Photo: Pr' Hostar resort
Pr' Hostar, formally known as Pension Pibernik, is actually a hotel, turned into a resort, perfect for family vacations. Interestingly, the place got its popular name after a very successful Slovenian film – Pr' Hostar which took audience across entire Slovenia by storm. Located in an idyllic nature, it is almost like a place out of a fairy-tale. The site does not only feature a hotel, but also small wooden houses that give the chance of enjoying the beautiful nature while glamping. This resort is probably the best choice to spend a few days at if you want to discover Bled and the Triglav National Park, as it is located just ten minutes away from Lake Bled. The staff at Pr' Hostar is super friendly, while the resort sees constant upgrades that meet the demands of even the most demanding of guests. I walked around the place a bit, played some table tennis with a guest there and spent fifteen minutes in a hammock among the trees. Then it was time to start my engine and ride towards Bled, more precisely towards Osojnica. 

Photo: Pr' Hostar resort
6. Osojnica Hill near Lake Bled

As Lake Bled is probably the most known place in Slovenia, which has garnered international renown already in the times of ex-Yugoslavia, I don't want to spend too much time writing about it, since you can learn almost everything about it online. Just to recap, for all those who haven't visited Bled yet – it is a quaint little town with an idyllic setting – a church situated on a small island in the middle of the lake, and to top it all off – a castle overlooking the lake. As I have been to Bled many times before, I've seen my share of crowds and tourists and did not go into the town this time to get a slice of that famous "kremšnita" cake – a delicious treat everyone should try – or walk along the lake. Instead, I decided to tackle a 20-minute-walk to the top of the Osojnica hill, located above Zaka – the rowing centre in Bled. Needless to say, this was quite an adventure, since I was in my full gear and you can imagine walking uphill in it for 20 minutes – quite a hassle. But it was well worth it! Why? Well, upon reaching the top of the hill, I was treated to the most beautiful view I have seen in a while. A small bench overlooking the lake – sadly already taken by a girl waiting to get a photo of the perfect sunset over Lake Bled – the church in the middle of the water and above it the castle. If you are looking for a perfect photograph to take – this is probably one of the best, if not the best spot to take one at Lake Bled. I stayed atop the hill for about thirty minutes, just relishing the magnificent views of the lake and the surrounding snow-covered mountains before descending back to the lake to head toward the final destination of my trip – Blejski Vintgar (The Vintgar Gorge).

Photo: Path to the top of Osojnica Hill
7. The Vintgar Gorge
It was getting pretty late as I arrived to the Vintgar Gorge (around 5:00 p.m.) and since the sun in October sets quite early, I haven't paid the entrance fee for this magnificent gorge. It took me just about 15 minutes to get to it from Zaka in Bled. The gorge is known for its green emerald river Radovna which flows down the valley. Since I wanted to enjoy and really take the time to appreciate this wonder of nature, I decided to save this location for my next bike trip to the Gorenjska Region. If you are ever in the area, be sure not to miss out on this nature's jewel that is bound to take your breath away. Even though you will probably visit the gorge in the warmer summer months, do not forget to bring a sweater or a jacket since it can get rather chilly down in the gorge. As I haven't visited the gorge, I had enough time to treat myself to a nice roasted piglet in one of the local taverns on my way back towards Bled. 

Photo: The Vintgar Gorge
I almost couldn't have picked a better October day to relax, take a trip, and forget about the everyday hustle and bustle that usually accompanies me. If you are looking to leave the booming city life for a day and enjoy the peace and quiet of the beautiful nature, do not take the highway to this region of Slovenia, but rather the route I took, or a similar one. Even if you don't have a motorcycle and you are in a pretty good shape, this route is perfect for a one-day cycling trip to Bled (it will take you about 3 to 4 hours from Ljubljana). Depending on how much time you have or wish to spend on your trip, you could also stop in the old medieval towns of Kamnik and Škofja Loka along the way, both boasting a rich cultural and natural heritage.

Photo: Map of the Route taken
Although Slovenia is regarded by many as a hidden and undiscovered piece of heaven on earth, it is becoming more widely known among tourists from all over the world. The fact is that the majority of tourists stay in Slovenia only for a couple of days – most decide on visiting Ljubljana, the coastal towns of Slovenia, and Lake Bled. Thus, such a route is a perfect choice for every motorcycle enthusiast looking to discover the beautiful Slovenia on their bike, with a view to die for – colourful forests, snow-covered mountain tops, emerald rivers and lakes, amazing people, etc.